The film Opposites reveals the two extremes of society. The first is the story of Dr. Cietto, who has accumulated doctorates and post-doctorates from around the world in multiple disciplines. He enjoys the best of what society has to offer. The second story paints an entirely different reality. Luiz is a young man who escaped a violent father to live in the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Even though modern cities have been built to keep these two worlds apart, their encounter will inspire you to see the world differently.
The film “Opposites” was produced by ACT in partnership with the Adventist University of Sao Paulo (UNASP). The movie tells the contrasting stories of a renowned professor and a poor young man who ran away from his abusive father into the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil. We sincerely hope this film will inspire you to continue learning throughout your life.
Adventist Communication Training, or ACT, exists to train local church communicators to share the good news of salvation more efficiently. There are over 150,000 Seventh-day Adventist communication leaders in the world. We are preparing a unique experience for each of them to improve their communication skills.
We believe education can change the world. It may sound like a cliché, but when put into practice, education can have a profound impact in every community.